Friday, January 10, 2014

Tobago Day 2

Had our first day of Caribbean Literature class today; it was fun! Very informal; we read one of the first stories since it turned out we were supposed to have read it already. Class is from 9am-12pm; we all gained a collection of ant bites to add to our mosquito collection.

After lunch most of use went to Pirate's Bay which is a cove about one or two inlets over. To get there you walk through Charlottesville and up up up a huge hill (with a nice view) and then down hundreds of stairs on the other side. They didn't look so steep in the pictures I saw last year! It's a workout, that's for sure. At the bottom there is a beautiful white sand beach and beautiful waves. However, we soon discovered that the undertow is really strong. Brendan and I were about waist deep when a big wave came in and knocked him on top of me and we both went under. The girls climbed on some rocks for pictures but there were sea urchins on them so I passed. I did some snorkeling; there was some coral and cool fish! The waves were so strong though that I only did it a little bit because I kept being pushed towards some far out rocks. Coming back it was probably the scariest because after taking my fins off close in I couldn't swim harder than the pull of the waves. I finally waited for a big wave to push me in till I could stand and was done for the day.

After the long walk back almost everyone took naps and I did my reading and homework for tomorrow. John said there is a library here so I'll see if I can check out some books to read in the evenings. I was also told of a restaurant where if you order something you can use their wifi. Hopefully get to use that and check in tomorrow with everyone. Our lit teacher said he spent four hours using it today!

Dinner was macaroni pie (popular here), coleslaw, and chicken (which I didn't have). Tomorrow the girls and I hope to finally get a piña the time everyone is done swimming we are too tired to go to a bar! I'm not sure if they even check ID here..Brendan bought some beer and the guy didn't ask to see ID.

During dinner we found out that once we get back we will have 8am dance classes every Tuesday and Thursday to prepare for Carnival. Candice said it's mostly to build up endurance for that day. Exercise is great, but I need to start eating more; I've lost weight since getting here. Everyone talks about how amazing the food is but it's really not. Sure there are some great dishes, but I guess the food was talked up more than it is.

The rest of my cabin is still doing homework they didn't do this afternoon; I'll probably go to bed early since I don't have anything to read or do. I really do miss books and internet!

Being engaged at my age is odd; the students asked how he did it and were impressed, but only Emily had a boyfriend back home to miss. Aubrey and her bf broke up before she left and except for Brendan's on/off girlfriend I don't think anyone else is in a relationship. Right now everyone is talking about how they don't miss their parents or home and I'm like.... I miss them and my fiancé. They have no connection to how it feels to leave a fiancé behind compared to a boyfriend. I'm still getting used to saying fiancé instead of boyfriend; I'll call Daniel two different things in the same sentence (sorry babe!). I also have a wedding to plan which isn't something people are interest in talking/hearing about. Oh well, I'll save that for my bridesmaids!

I wonder now if I would have still done the trip if I had known Daniel longer before. I mean, I'm happy I'm on the study abroad and it will be a life changing experience, but if things had happened differently I don't think I would have left him and planned a wedding from afar. There's nothing I can do about it now, though!

1 comment:

  1. You taking this trip is the chance of a lifetime. We will all still be here when you get back, including Daniel. You're younger than Daniel and this trip will help you grow in ways you could never do attending PLU ten minutes down the road from Oma's. We all support you in this and are so proud of you!
