I have now been to two of the three meetings before I embark on my trip to Trinidad. The first was a few weeks ago; a general study abroad meeting to pass out forms. SO. MANY. FORMS! The second was a few days ago and was specifically for Trinidad. We got another chance to meet with Candice, our on site coordinator, and to talk to some of the students who went last year. There are now seven PLU students going (two boys) and we will be joined by three students from New York and some people already living in the dorm lodge in Trinidad.
The PLU students who went last year were beyond excited to tell us about their trip. Every topic prompted the response of "OH MY GOSH THE ___!!!" The food, dancing, people you meet, the trips...everything was the most incredible experience of the student's lives. Their main piece of advice was, when will you have this chance again? Take advantage of the trips that aren't required, get up early, make friends, and take risks! Seeing the change the trip has brought about has made me more excited to begin my own trip.
It also drove home the differences in our cultures. In Trinidad the motto is "work hard, play hard." Candice explained that from a young age children are taught to take charge of their own education. By college, this means that professors do not take role in class and there are usually two tests to determine grades: the midterm and the final. For PLU students this means putting a lot more work into making sure you don't let your classwork go, or it will come back to bite you come finals time!
The people in Trinidad are also friendlier than in the USA. One of the students, Zack, was able to walk up to people he did not know, strike up a conversation, and make a new friend. One of the girls commented that when she returned to the US she had grown accustomed to greeting everyone she saw. Walking down the street in her town, however, this got her some odd looks! People in the US are simply not as friendly as in Trinidad, which is most likely due to how we were raised and our different societies.
Either way, I am looking forward to our last meeting and my journey abroad!
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