Monday, February 4, 2013

Getting Started


My name is Maia and I am a freshman right now at Pacific Lutheran University.  I want to major in Communications.  I found out about the Trinidad and Tobago program when I came to visit Passport weekend April 2012.  Since then, I've fallen in love with it!  It's not just the location (although that is a plus) but the rich culture that permeates the island.  So many societies have built on top of each other over time and learned to coexist; where else could you go to learn about so many different people at once?

The Caribbean program is one of PLU's Gateway programs, meaning that you pay for your plane ticket and the rest of the fee is the room, board, and tuition you would pay the University if you were not studying abroad.  Compared to the other study abroads, this is a lot cheaper!  PLU also has gateway programs to London, Mexico, China, Namibia, and two different locations in Norway.  My roommate is hoping to do the London one this year; if I have the chance I would like to do it my Junior year! One trip at a time though...

The program runs from the beginning of January to mid May, meaning it covers J-term and Spring semester. For more information on the program, please check here!

I have been talking to the program director on and off since school has started and am working on my application to submit in the next few months.  Here's hoping everything works out!

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